Charlotte Amalie/St. Thomas

Discovering the Virgin Islands
While you enjoy your holiday in the Antilles, you should take a pleasant stroll through the city and discover its gems.
From Government Hill, head to Lille Tarne Gade, which means the street of the little tower in Danish: with its 99 steps, it is probably the most important stepped street of those built by the Danish from bricks used by European ships as ballast.
At the top of the climb (actually, there are 103 steps!), you will find to have only reached the base of Blackbeard’s Castle, today a restaurant and an inn. Among the pirates to have lived here, it seems there was the terrible Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard, who inspected the bays of the island from the castle’s observation tower, which is over 300 years old. The view that opens from this spot explains the choice of the location.
From Government Hill, head to Lille Tarne Gade, which means the street of the little tower in Danish: with its 99 steps, it is probably the most important stepped street of those built by the Danish from bricks used by European ships as ballast.
At the top of the climb (actually, there are 103 steps!), you will find to have only reached the base of Blackbeard’s Castle, today a restaurant and an inn. Among the pirates to have lived here, it seems there was the terrible Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard, who inspected the bays of the island from the castle’s observation tower, which is over 300 years old. The view that opens from this spot explains the choice of the location.
Cruises from / to Charlotte Amalie in 2025
Excursions & Activities Charlotte Amalie
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